Modern painted panels with ‘Ajami decoration in Ziad Baydoun´s workshop in Malaysia

Modern painted panels with ‘Ajami decoration in Ziad Baydoun´s workshop in Malaysia

Main facade of Jamiʿ at-Tawashi mosque (video)

An old man from Al-Bab demonstrates how felt carpets were traditionally manufactured by using one´s own foot

An old man from Al-Bab demonstrates how felt carpets were traditionally manufactured by using one´s own foot

A robust 4 cm thick felt carpet made of wool in the manufacturing facility in Al-Bab

A robust 4 cm thick felt carpet made of wool in the manufacturing facility in Al-Bab

Preparation of the design of a felt carpet in Al-Bab

Preparation of the design of a felt carpet in Al-Bab

Preparation of the design of a felt carpet

Preparation of the design of a felt carpet

Preparation of the design of a felt carpet

Preparation of the design of a felt carpet

A robust 4 cm thick felt carpet made of wool in the manufacturing facility for felt carpets in Al-Bab

A robust 4 cm thick felt carpet made of wool in the manufacturing facility for felt carpets in Al-Bab

A robust 4 cm thick felt carpet made of wool in the manufacturing facility for felt carpets in Al-Bab

A robust 4 cm thick felt carpet made of wool in the manufacturing facility for felt carpets in Al-Bab

A self-manufactured fulling machine for the production of felt carpets

A self-manufactured fulling machine for the production of felt carpets

A carpet manufacturer from Al-Bab rolls out a finished felt carpet

A carpet manufacturer from Al-Bab rolls out a finished felt carpet

Abdelraouf Baydoun working with the craft of ‘Ajami in his workshop in Malaysia

Abdelraouf Baydoun working with the craft of ‘Ajami in his workshop in Malaysia

Damascus, Glass Blowing Workshop near Bab Sharqi

Damascus, Glass Blowing Workshop near Bab Sharqi

A carpet manufacturer rolls out a finished felt carpet in his workshop in Al-Bab

A carpet manufacturer rolls out a finished felt carpet in his workshop in Al-Bab

Threshing in Sahl Hawran (Hawran Plain): farmers are separating wheat from chaff

Threshing in Sahl Hawran (Hawran Plain): farmers are separating wheat from chaff

Yabrud: making Burghul, in background a wall in a special pisé-technique

Yabrud: making Burghul, in background a wall in a special pisé-technique

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‘Ajami decoration

‘Ajami decoration

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Jurn Kabir, construction of a room from quarry stones with clay mortar

Jurn Kabir, construction of a room from quarry stones with clay mortar

A metal workshop in the city of Raqqa

A metal workshop in the city of Raqqa

Damascus, Glass Blowing Workshop near Bab Sharqi

Damascus, Glass Blowing Workshop near Bab Sharqi

Damascus, Glass Blowing Workshop near Bab Sharqi

Damascus, Glass Blowing Workshop near Bab Sharqi

Modern painted panel with ‘Ajami decoration in Ziad Baydoun´s workshop in Malaysia

Modern painted panel with ‘Ajami decoration in Ziad Baydoun´s workshop in Malaysia

Damascus, Glass Blowing Workshop near Bab Sharqi

Damascus, Glass Blowing Workshop near Bab Sharqi

Modern painted panels with ‘Ajami decoration in Ziad Baydoun´s workshop in Malaysia

Modern painted panels with ‘Ajami decoration in Ziad Baydoun´s workshop in Malaysia


A Bedouin woman twisting a hand spun thread spool

A Bedouin woman twisting a hand spun thread spool

Rural life in Qalamun mountains (Antilibanon): peasants returning home from grape harvest

Rural life in Qalamun mountains (Antilibanon): peasants returning home from grape harvest