Chest of drawers in traditional inlay technique with mother of pearl in an old house in Maʿlula

Chest of drawers in traditional inlay technique with mother of pearl in an old house in Maʿlula

Abdelraouf Baydoun working with the craft of ‘Ajami in his workshop in Malaysia

‘Ajami or Damascene Painting: Traces of a Traditional Handcraft

The Last Master of the Saddle Makers

The Last Master of the Saddle Makers

At that time the Bedouin tent was in the village ad-Duwaym in Nahyat al-Yarabiyya

People of the Desert: Bedouin Clothing

ʿAjami in Aleppo: A Tale of Traveling Motifs

ʿAjami in Aleppo: A Tale of Traveling Motifs