
A female Kurdish tribe leader wearing a screen-printed headscarf called Habari

A female Kurdish tribe leader wearing a screen-printed headscarf called Habari

A woman with a screen-printed headscarf called Habari

A woman with a screen-printed headscarf called Habari

Children are preparing themselve for a wedding procession. The two small children are still wearing their school uniform

Children are preparing themselve for a wedding procession. The two small children are still wearing their school uniform

A woman in a rural area with traditional clothes

A woman in a rural area with traditional clothes

A Sheikh with his family in traditional clothes. The man is wearing a black Abbaya

A Sheikh with his family in traditional clothes. The man is wearing a black Abbaya

A woman showing how to card wool. She is wearing a silk Habari (head scarf)

A woman showing how to card wool. She is wearing a silk Habari (head scarf)

Ezidi life and traditions in Jabal Sinjar – Interview with two young Ezidi women

Ezidi life and traditions in Jabal Sinjar – Interview with two young Ezidi women

Silk Brocade woven at Mattini company in Damascus

Syria, a Textile History

Hand printed table cloth from Hama at Hassan's Shop, Old Damascus

The Threads of Life: Syrian Textile Ornamentation

At that time the Bedouin tent was in the village ad-Duwaym in Nahyat al-Yarabiyya

People of the Desert: Bedouin Clothing