View of an orchard in the Ghuta of Damascus

View of an orchard in the Ghuta of Damascus

Fruit and vegetable growing in the Ghuta of Damascus

Fruit and vegetable growing in the Ghuta of Damascus

Nomad tents on the outskirts of the Ghuta of Damascus

Nomad tents on the outskirts of the Ghuta of Damascus

East of the Ghuta, rural houses in the Marj area

East of the Ghuta, rural houses in the Marj area

Ghuta of Damascus, artificial irrigation canal system

Ghuta of Damascus, artificial irrigation canal system

Ghuta of Damascus, aerial photograph of some orchards

Ghuta of Damascus, aerial photograph of some orchards

Ghuta of Damascus, an alley in one of the villages

Ghuta of Damascus, an alley in one of the villages

An orchard in the Ghuta of Damascus

An orchard in the Ghuta of Damascus

Damaszener Rosen am Bewässerungskanal - irgendwo in der Ghuta, 2010

Damaszener Rosen am Bewässerungskanal – irgendwo in der Ghuta, 2010

A villa under construction in the Ghuta of Damascus

A villa under construction in the Ghuta of Damascus


Informal (unplanned) settlements spread in the Ghouta, 1980s

Informal (unplanned) settlements spread in the Ghouta, 1980s

Ghuta of Damascus, an old irrigation canal, 1963

Ghuta of Damascus, an old irrigation canal, 1963

A small pathway in the Ghuta of Damascus

A small pathway in the Ghuta of Damascus

Weingarten in der Ghuta von Damaskus

Weingarten in der Ghuta von Damaskus

A small pathway in the Ghuta of Damascus

A small pathway in the Ghuta of Damascus

Vineyard in the Ghuta of Damascus

Vineyard in the Ghuta of Damascus

Ghuta of Damascus, olive trees in a grove

Ghuta of Damascus, olive trees in a grove

A two-story building in a village in Ghuta

A two-story building in a village in Ghuta

Abdelraouf Baydoun working with the craft of ‘Ajami in his workshop in Malaysia

‘Ajami or Damascene Painting: Traces of a Traditional Handcraft

Ghuta landscape with view over the south of Damascus to Jabal Qasyun, 2007

The Ghuta, the Former Paradise Belt around Damascus

Aghabani table cloth with gold and silver threads

Hidden Figures: The Women behind the Beautiful Craft of Aghabani

ʿAjami in Aleppo: A Tale of Traveling Motifs

ʿAjami in Aleppo: A Tale of Traveling Motifs

An olive grove in the Ghouta of Damascus

Picnic in the Ghuta – Changes Over the Last 70 Years